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  • Writer's pictureGrace Cheri

DIY Lavender Sheet Freshener

Lavender Spray

If you know me at all, you know my bed is my sanctuary. I've said it on the podcast... and I'll say it again, sleep is the first thing you need to address if you want to get your life in order. You MUST establish a solid morning / night time routine, and get a good amount of rest so your body and mind can recover. A good nights rest is the key to setting me up for a great day.

When Zach and I moved in to our house, we invested in a memory foam mattress similar to this one. Along with it a down comforter, a simple duvet, and I recently splurged on Magnolia sheets + this Casaluna throw. I must stay I've been thoroughly enjoying every penny spent on our bed. But, design tends to largely appeal to two of the five senses; touch and sight. Smell often goes unaddressed, or it at least can't be easily translated via magazine covers and Instagram pages.

Smell must not be forgotten, because olfactory signals instantly affect the limbic system. Every time you smell something familiar yet nostalgic, it has the power to bring you right back to a memory. I wanted my hippocampus to correlate my bed with relaxation, so one of my most recent DIY's is making a Lavender Spray for my bed sheets.

Lavender is one of my most used essential oils in my house because its good for so many things. It can assist with helping anxiety, stress, insomnia, easing headaches, reducing nausea, the list really doesn't end. It has been used worldwide for its healing properties.

I used a 4oz amber glass spray bottle from this set and combined water + ~five drops of lavender essential oil. Note: I usually prefer DoTerra brand for anything topical / ingestible, but I bought these for basic ones for household cleaning purposes. I labeled it with this label maker. It has made my night time routine smell calm which inherently makes me calm. I suffer from chronic migraines + cluster headaches (writing this as I currently am in the midst of a cluster headache episode), and this has been helpful with the nausea and pain. Quite frankly, it's doing more for me than my Rizatriptan is at the moment.

So if you're looking for a simply DIY + a better nights sleep, I hope you try this out. Let me know what you think!

Love, Grace

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